1. What does the underlined word mean in line 2
A. An act of criticism showing lack of respect
B. An expression of appreciation
C. An object of admiration
D. A symbol of regard and respect
2. Which word gives the opposite meaning of the underlined word in line 7?
D. covetousness
A. avarice B. rapacity C. generosity
3. As used in line 8, the word avarice has the closest meaning to
8. greediness
C. enthusiasm
A. eagerness
D. mercy
4. The poem consists of
A. 13 lines
B. 12 lines
D. 16 lines
C. 18 lines
5. What does the poet want to convey in line 1 and 2 of the poem?
A. He dreams that all people in the world will never be teased and teased and
B. He dreams that the world would become a better place to live in
C. He dreams that the world would become heavily populated.
D. He dreams that the world will become great.
6. What feeling is expressed in first stanza of the poem?
A. confused
B. serious
C. hopeful D. passionate​