Additional Activities Aside from the reference materials we discused on this module, list down at least five (5) other references that can use in gathering information about our research topic
Answer:This page contains definitions of and examples of different types of reference sources including almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, biographies, chronologies, dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias, handbooks, and indexes.
Almanacs are not usually used for extensive research , but are good for looking up specific facts, statistics, tables and lists about people, places, events, countries, organizations, zip codes, and popular culture such as sports and entertainment. Generally, almanacs cover a broad period of time, while Yearbooks, which contain similar information, only cover a given year.
Almanac of the 50 States 2010
Call Number: HA214 .A45
ISBN: 0929960637
Publication Date: 2010
Atlases contain an organized group of pictorial or illustrated political, cultural, physical, road, and/or thematic maps. Atlases may be organized around a specific subject, theme, or geographic area.
National Geographic Visual Atlas of the World
Call Number: G1021 .N428 2017
ISBN: 1426218389
Publication Date: 2017
Bibliographies compile comprehensive lists of resources that share one or more common attributes about a particular subject, person, geographical area, etc. Some bibliographies also briefly describe the resources that are listed. One should consult a bibliography when they want citations that will guide them to specific resources.
The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, 1800-1900 by Joanne Shattock (Editor)
Call Number: PR1100.Z9 C3 1966
ISBN: 0521391008
Publication Date: 2000
Biographies contain information about people, both living and deceased - they can contain brief summaries of data about individuals, contain lists of citations of resources about a person, or be full length books detailing the life of one particular person. Biographies may cover general important figures, or may be organized thematically/geographically, etc. One would use a biography to look up facts or detailed information about a person or group of people.
American National Biography
Call Number: CT213 .A68 1999
ISBN: 0195206355
Publication Date: 1999
Chronologies / Timelines
Chronologies and timelines summarize the advancement of an event or happening by supplying brief milestones in the progression of the event. The summaries will be presented day-by-day, year-by-year, or by another chronological breakdown.
Cover ArtA chronology of photography : a cultural timeline from camera obscura to instagram by Paul Lowe
ISBN: 0500545030
Publication Date: 2019
Standard dictionaries give an alphabetical list of words and their definitions, but there are several useful variations also classified as dictionaries. Thesauri contain synonyms and antonyms (opposites) but usually don't define the words. There are also dialect and slang dictionaries, dictionaries of abbreviations and acronyms, dictionaries of quotations, and picture dictionaries. Dictionaries can be unabridged (general) or can be thematically organized in some way.
Merriam-Webster's Visual Dictionary by Merriam-Webster, Inc. Staff
Call Number: PE1629.M56 C78 2012
ISBN: 0877791511
Publication Date: 2012
Directories contain an organized list of people and/or organizations, and help one to find information such as addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, etc. for the organizations or people included within the scope of that directory.
The Writers Directory by Laura Avery
Publication Date: 2017
Encyclopedias contain full coverage of information about an area of knowledge. They can be general or can cover a specific subject, and contain alphabetically organized entries with varying detail. These are great starting points for fact-finding, getting background topic information, learning of key events and individuals, or starting a research project. Below is a major general encyclopedia. See Best Practices on this guides Home page to pinpoint valuable subject-specific encyclopedias.
Britannica ACADEMIC
Encyclopedia Britannica online includes topic overviews, biographies, word and concept definitions, a world atlas, historical timelines, quotations, illustrations, photos, videos, links to relevant articles and websites, primary sources, and the World Data Analyst.
Handbooks / Manuals
A handbook contains facts about a specific subject or instructions that can be used to accomplish something. A handbook can come in several forms, such as a manual for completing tasks, or a guidebook providing information about a subject, region, etc. (such as a travel guidebook). Handbooks are often designed for quick consultation and easy portability.
Cover ArtThe grant writer's handbook: how to write a research proposal and succeed by Gerard M. Crawley, Eoin O'Sullivan
ISBN: 1783267593
Publication Date: 2016
Indexes are compilations on information, generally arranged either alphabetically or numerically, that indicate the location of related information either within or outside of the same resource.