moral-spiritual changes in using drugs

The model of addiction that we have been discussing is the Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual (BPSS) model. It was previously just the Bio-Psycho-Social Model (without including "spiritual"). Many people feel it is unnecessary to separately mention spirituality. This is because moral and spiritual concepts are value laden and culture-specific. Thus, most clinicians understood that the socio-cultural (social) part of this model included spirituality. Nonetheless, spirituality is an important concept for many people. This is particularly true for people struggling to recover from severe or fatal disorders such as addiction. So, we feel it does merit specific mention.
In Western Judeo-Christian cultures such as the United States, spiritual models typically presume a God with supernatural powers. This God is seen as one who governs, guides, directs, or intervenes on behalf of human beings. Spiritual models assume addiction occurs because of a separation from God. Moral causes of addiction presume there is a "correct" morality based on a particular set of values. Deviation from those values results in addiction. It is important to note that moral codes reflect the value system of a particular culture. Therefore, the "correct" moral code will vary from one culture to the next.