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The Impact Of Digital Technology On Art And ArtistsBY MOHAMED ZAHER

Just as arts is the secretion of any given society’s culture, the culture of this society—conversely—is the mirror and outcome of these arts.

The Role of the Arts in Promoting Society  

Just as the arts are an expression of any society’s culture, the culture of this society - conversely - is the mirror and outcome of these arts. The interchangeable relationship between the arts - as a cultural value offered to the public - and the general population that interacts with and embodies these values must perpetually rise upwards and never deviate - even marginally - downwards, not only with respect to heightening the esteem and taste for aesthetic beauty, but also on other levels such as revering the value of morality, virtue, hard work, science, defense of the motherland, as well as all the other values representing the backbone of the success and development of any contemporary civilized society. Accordingly, the role of artists in all categories: plastic arts, music and singing, drama, and poetry must rise to become an influentially positive element that pushes and supports this interchangeable relationship upwards and never downwards, particularly since the majority  of artists  constitute the cream of society and are revered and admired by the public. In fact, ordinary people’s infatuation with artists in general puts a greater responsibility on their shoulders to serve as role models guiding societies towards cultural edification and enhancement.  

The Impact of the Evolution of Digital Technology on the Arts:

Contemporary art has been greatly influenced by the rapid development in digital technologyThe flame of creativity dies out and the tide of inspirational revelation recedes and the building blocks of imagination freeze at the bottom of the artist’s psyche, as they gradually transform into a shallow abstract translation of a constellation of enormous technological capabilities, devoid of any creative substance. and by the astonishing progression in the introduction of new, more attractive and tougher materials that artists can work with. Both these innovations have expanded horizons of creativity and opened new artistic frontiers. They have also allowed contemporary artists to reduce time spent in the actual execution of artwork to a minimum thereby freeing them to focus more on contemplation, creativity and developing groundbreaking ideas, as well as sound preparation for artwork.  
