8. What Health-Related fitness component does push-up and planking
A Flexibility
C. Endurance
B. Strength
D. Body Composition
9. What is the implication if you got a higher pulse rate than normal after
doing the 3-minute step test?
A. You need to improve your cardiovascular endurance
B. You need to maintain you Normal BMI
C. You need to improve you core muscle strength
D. You need to improve your Flexibility
10. Your goal is to improve your lose weight before the posttest for the
PFT. What will be the health-related fitness component should you
A Flexibility
C. Endurance
B Strength
D. Body Composition
11. What will be the best materials to be used when checking your BMI?
A. Stopwatch and meter stick
B Weighing scale and Measuring Tape
C. Exercise Mat
D. Ruler and Stopwatch
12. As a tester of PFT, what will you do after performing the 3-minute
step test??
A. Measure the overlapping of your hands
B. Rest for 5 seconds and Check your pulse beats
C. Record how heavy you weigh
D. Record your time spent doing the test
13. What test which purpose is to measure the strength/ stability of the
core muscles?
C. Planking
B Push-up
D. Zipper Test
14. This is the body's relative amount of fat to fat-free mass
A Flexibility
C. Endurance
B. Strength
D. Body Composition
15. Why is it important to take the PAR-Q first before doing the PFT
To determine if you are safe to perform the test
To ready your muscles before doing the PFT
To test whether the PFT is sy perform
To address your need of equipment before doing the PF​

Sagot :


8. C. Endurance

9. A. You need to improve your cardiovascular endurance

10. D. Body Composition

11. B Weighing scale and Measuring Tape

12. B. Rest for 5 seconds and Check your pulse beats

13. D. Zipper Test

14. D. Body Composition

15. C. To ready your muscles before doing the PFT


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