reflection is the most important function of the mirror we can know ourselves from the mirror of mirrors reflect not only or external appearance but also internal self when you look at yourself in the mirror what do you seereflection is the most important function of the mirror we can know ourselves from the mirror of mirrors reflect not only or external appearance but also internal self when you look at yourself in the mirror what do you see?​

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Throughout history, mirrors have been associated with vanity and narcissism. But in everyday life, many people tend to avoid looking at themselves for more than a quick glance. They don’t want to activate their own critical thoughts about their appearance. We are socialized to compare our physical image with ideals and standards. That’s how we typically use mirrors. But, whether we realize it or not, mirrors and reflective surfaces also play an important role in our psychological and emotional functioning.


1. Reflections help us develop our sense of self.

Mirrors are used to test self-recognition in humans and animals. Researchers infer that if subjects can tell that the image on the reflective surface is in fact them, then they have developed a cognitive sense of self. Children learn to recognize themselves in the mirror at around 20 months. Before that, they regard their reflection in the mirror as either another baby they want to play with or something strange and suspicious. But once they get to 20 months, they clearly recognize themselves, as do other mammals, such as primates and dolphins. Mammals with longer periods of time spent close to their mother in early development are more likely to have the ability to self-recognize in the mirror.

In fact, we come to develop a sense of self through early interactions in which our caregivers mirror or imitate our movements and emotional expressions, and respond to us in ways that give us feedback that we are separate from them, and that our behavior creates a reaction in them. It seems that we need a context outside ourselves to self-recognize—other people reflect us as individuals, and mirrors do too.

2. Reflections allow us to shift our perspective.

A classic variation of the self-recognition study involves putting a spot of paint on a subject’s forehead while they are sleeping or otherwise unaware of it. The subject (human or animal) will attempt to wipe the spot, not from the mirror, but from their own forehead—thus demonstrating that they know the mirror is their own reflection. Humans and animals will also show signs of embarrassment about the spot—suggesting that we are hardwired to care about how we look to others.

And as adults, many of us tend to overdo it, by habitually criticizing our appearance in the mirror. While most people are mildly self-critical, about 1 percent of the population has Body Dysphoric Disorder (BDD), a mental health disorder characterized by a continued obsession with one or more parts of the body, which causes severe distress that interferes with daily functioning. Mirror exposure therapy has been used effectively to treat BDD in conjunction with cognitive-behavioral therapy. By looking directly in a mirror for a prolonged time and describing what they see to a therapist, the mirror becomes a tool to challenge BDD sufferers’ distorted views of themselves.

How we look at ourselves in the mirror turns out to be essential. It makes all the difference in whether you feel better or worse. Researchers Windheim et al. (2012) found that, contrary to their prediction, not only participants with BDD, but also those without BDD, experienced an increase in distress and self-focused criticism when looking in the mirror for 10 minutes.

The mirror can be used to critique ourselves. But it also offers perspective on just how unkindly we're treating ourselves. Our preliminary research shows that looking with the intention to be kind to yourself can reduce anxiety and self-criticism (Well, et al., 2016). So, looking with kind intention can reduce anxiety, whereas looking without kind intention can allow the inner critic to run amok.