TRUE OR FALSE 1. Typhoons always move in a counter clockwise direction. 2. ITCZ stands for Inter-tropical Cyclone Zone. 3. Tropical cyclones intensify when in a warm body of water. 4. High pressure area in a place where warm air is rising. 5. Whenever the air pressure is high the weather is fine. 6. ITCZ is a place where the winds in the tropics meet or converge. 7. The wind is moving towards the high pressure area. 8. DOST is the agency responsible for monitoring Tropical cyclones in the Philippir 9. Tropical cyclones need warm water to keep them going. 10. When a tropical cyclone originates in the Indian Ocean it is called Hurricane. 11. In order for a typhoon to be considered as super typhoon, it must have a maximum wind speed of 220 kph. 12. Typhoons are like giant engines that uses warm and moist air as fuel. Page 13. Wind in a typhoon rotate around a center 14. Tropical Cyclone are a system of thunderstorm that are moving around a center 15. The Philippines is prone to typhoon because it is surrounded by landmass