Select the correct answer from the given choices. 1. is called "The Age of Reason Medieval c. baroque d. classical 2. The term for italian sonra is called copera seria d. comic opera 3. The term for serious opera is bcomic opera c. opera seria d. opera butta 4. Where was the music of classical period? 1752-1823 b. 1750-1820 1820-1825 1753-1802 5. A famous composer who was born in Bonn, Germany to a family of musicians and studied mus b. Beethoven c. Hayden denone of them Mozart is known as the child prodigy and the most amazing serius in musical history in what 1705-1750 1756-1792 c. 1756-1791 d. 1761-1791 7. This is a choral composition with instrumental accompaniment, typically in several movemen A Cadenza 5. Conesto crescando 8. This refers to gradually becoming louder Crescendo b. diminuendo c. concerto 9. One of the famous work of Beethoven is A The Magic Flute 6. The Clock c. The Military d. Missa solemnis 10 The Marriage of Figaro was been composed in the year A 1763 b. 1786 1876 d. 1673 what is ask for