Seismic Waves
Seismic Waves Are Also known as earthquake waves. There Are Three types Of seismic Waves Primary Waves, Secondary Waves, and surface Waves, Primary Waves (also called P-waves) travel the fastest of all the waves. they are also unique is the aspect that they travel through all states of matter - solids, liquids, and gases. P-waves are considered push-pull waves. they push and pull it moves through just like sound waves push and pull the air . Secondary waves (also called S-waves) are not as fast as P-waves. they cannot travel through liquid and gases. S-waves travel in a side-to-side motion, like a piece of rope that you wiggle. finally, Surface waves (also called L-waves) are the slowest wave. they move along the earth's surface similar to the way waves travel in the ocean up and down. they are the most destructive waves because of the damage they create directly to the earth's surface surface.
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