MERIELCONCHASGO MERIELCONCHASGO English Answered identify the adjectives in the following sentences encircle the correct answer1. there i met a very beautiful womana. metb.veryc.beautiful2.the kind hostess made sure that everyone was happy.a.sureb.everyonec.happy3.he was wearing a red shirta. wasb.redc.shirt4.the rich woman is known of her genoristya.richb.knownc. spite of being rich and famous, she lives a misirable life spite ofb.famousc.rich6. her arrogant nature made her very unpopulara.arrogantb.naturec.very7.he wants to be a successful lawyer a. heb.successfulc.lawyer8.the anxious mother waited for a call from her sona.anxious b.motherc.call9.the old man has seen better days a.old b.manc.days10.iron is useful metal.a.ironb.usefulc.metal