Identification. Identify if the following Organizational Structure Design is Traditional (T) or Modern (M). _____a. Design that groups together similar or related specialties _____b. It is made up of work teams _____c. Design where employees continuously work on a project _____d. Focus on performance improvement of people _____e. Focus on flexibility and problem solving _____f. Design made up of separate units where present corporation acts as overseer _____g. Boundaryless _____h. Big number of subordinates reporting to a centralized authority figure _____i. Matrix Design _____j. Design with few departments, wide spans of control Arrangement in Chronological Order. Arrange the following Delegation steps in chronological order. Number the first step 1, and the last step 8. _____a. Granting to the assigned person the authority to act _____b. Assigning of responsibility _____c. Checking the task accomplishment progress _____d. Defining the goal clearly _____e. Giving the assigned person enough time and resources to do the task _____f. Making sure that the task objectives have been achieved _____g. Asking person assigned about these planned approaches _____h. Selecting the person who will be given the task