1.DIRECTIONRead and understand the sentences and questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given
1. What do you call the framework of the body. It composed of bones, bone marrow, joints, cartilage and ligaments
D. integumentary system
A digestive system
B. circulatory system
C. skeletal system
2. It is like a built-in helmet made up of bones that protect the brain.
A jawbones
B. skull
C. lumbar
D. radius
3. Connective tissues that hold the joints together is the
A. ligaments
B. cartilage
C. joints
D. skull
4. The bones that support the teeth and gums enabling us to bite and chew our food.
A. canine
B. molars
C. backbone
D. jawbones
5. Which of the statements correctly describe the general function of Skeletal System?
1. It gives shape to the body
II. It protects the internal organs of the body.
11. It serves as framework of the body. IV. It converts energy, which enables the body to move.
I and 11
B. II and III
C. I, II and UI
D. I, II, III and IV
6. The bones that protects the spinal cord is called
A. humerus
B. cartilage
C. Vertebrae
D. tendons
7. The inner layer of the bone that contains yellowish substance which manufacture blood cell in the body.
A. tendon
B. bone marrow C. hinge joint
D. ball and socket
8. Which could be the functions of the muscular system?
1. It gives shape in our body. III. It supports and makes our skeleton in the hands and other body parts steady.
II. It allows us to move.
V. It provides the structural framework for the body.
A land I
B. II and III
C. I, II and III
D. I, II, III and IV
9. The bones that protect the internal organ of the body fike heart and the lungs is the
A. clavide
B. pelvis
C. radius
D. rib cage
10. It is the process of breaking down food into nutrients which the body uses for energy, growth and cell repair.
A. circulation B. excretion
C. digestion
D. respiration
11. What do you call the first part of the digestive system composed of the teeth and the tongue.
A. lungs
B. mouth
C. esophagus D. large intestine
12. It is a long muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the throat to the stomach.
A. mouth
B. esophagus
C. windpipe
D. stomach
13. It is a large J-shaped organ at the end of the esophagus. It can expand up to 2 to 4 liters when full.
A. mouth
B. esophagus
C. stomach
D intestine
14. It is a long coiled connected from the stomach, If it is stretched, it is about seven meters long.
A stomach
B. small intestine C. large intestine D. colon​

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