essay about new normal holiday,150-300 words​

Sagot :


wait i am gonna do this in WORD so i can see how many words i put.. give me 20 minutes



It’s that time of the year again—but a whole lot different. Who would have thought that the COVID-19 pandemic would affect all the plans, parties, reunions, even so, our way of celebrating Christmas? Different from past holidays when parties and gatherings were done carefree, this year we won’t be able to. It’s unfortunate that we are unable to spend time with our loved ones and friends. Albeit this, safety is now our highest priority.

With the restrictions imposed by the government, such as social distancing, there are various alternatives to enjoy this holiday season and observe safety protocols at the same time. With the EGP team working from home, we took the chance to ask them how they plan to celebrate this Christmas amidst the pandemic.

Virtual Party: Another alternative for EGP employees is to celebrate this Christmas virtually through video meetings. There are tons of video meeting platforms to choose from. Thanks to these applications, the distance between you and your loved ones is just a screen away. Aside from catching up through conversations, you can play virtual games and watch movies together.

One thing that is certain, we know that adjusting to change can be challenging. Be it planned or unplanned, gradual or sudden, change is inevitable and very much part of being human. Over the past few months, we’ve experienced an unprecedented shift in our way of life due to COVID-19. Pre-pandemic, who would’ve thought that toilet paper could become as precious as gold! And now, a trip to do a weekly grocery shop seems like an adventure of its own! Before we know it, we’ve let go of our old normal and now settling into what seems to be our new normal.  

Even when society starts up again, there will still be restrictions and we are facing fundamental shifts to our way of life. So, what does a New Normal look like?