As an ecologist, you study the relationships existing in an ecosystem. Your next project for this month is to study an artificial ecosystem, which is an aquarium. You will observe an aquarium and present your study in any visual presentation. You should be able to show the living and nonliving factors in the ecosystem, the feeding relationships among organisms, and the effects of depriving the ecosystem with nonliving components such as air and sunlight. You should also be able to include pictures of your study as evidence to support your statements. The presentation will be uploaded to educational Web sites, so it should be accurate, visually pleasing, and

Sagot :


Therefore, an aquarium can be characterized as an artificial closed ecosystem in which fish and plants can find an environment where they can grow and develop in a safe and balanced manner. Therefore, to promote the establishment of virtuous cycles that occur spontaneously in nature and give rise to interactions, each aquarium must be deliberately planned, created and controlled.