Activity. Identify the measuring instrument needed in each situation. Write your answer on the blank before each number.
1 Miriam wants to change the curtains in their bedroom. What measuring instrument must she use to find the length of cloth she needs for her curtain?
2 Val's mother is not feeling well. What measuring instrument does he need to find out if her mother has a fever?
3 Linda wants to measure the length of her notebook. What instrument does she need?
4 Father bought 2 kilos of chicken. When she arrived home from the market, she weighed the chicken again, only to find out that she was cheated. What measuring instrument did she use?
5 Amold wants to know how tall he is now. What instrument does he need?
6 Ivy has to measure the water she needs for her fruit juice for her five customers in her milk tea store. What instrument does she need?
7 Health workers tries their best to sleep 6 hours a day to perform their duties. What instrument do they need to be sure that they sleep and wakes up in time?
8 Sometimes spoons are of different sizes, so we don't use them in measuring liquid medicines. What instrument do we use instead?
9 Marie wants to determine their water consumption for the past months. What instrument did she use to measure water consumption?
10 From Manila, Ann travelled to Laguna using their car. What instrument did she use to know how far she already travelled?