II. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words found in the p.
complete the paragraph.
virus 2
infected 3
positive 4
front liners
1 lockdown
a protocols
When news of novel Corona virus (N-Corona virus) aired, the country went on
a tockdal Different companies and establishments closed, and people stayed at
their homes. National and local officials mobilized their men and women in their
offices for quick responses to the emergencies.
Schools shut down. Those were supposed times when students would have
been battling their final examinations, just days before the end of school year. But
was unforgiving. It crept like a thief, worsening the situation as it began
claiming lives. So, students and teachers parted ways without formal goodbyes.
And soon, fears and worries spread from one to the other. News broadcast
talked about only a single issue from sunrise to sundown. People from various walks
of life were reported to have been_3 and with the disease. Obviously, the
killer virus spared no one. It did not care whether one has little children at home or
elders to look after with. It was insensitive regardless of age and economic status.
Months passed and what was used to be called novel corona being a newly
discovered virus was named COVID-19. At this time, World Health Organization
(WHO) officially declared COVID-19 as 5. Doctors, scientists, and experts have
shared their thoughts regarding the disease and how this could be prevented. Until
a vaccine is developed, it is not safe yet to do the usual.
To ensure the public's safety, soldiers and policemen set up 6__in
boundaries of every LGU. They made sure that no one would be roaming around the
streets at nighttime because 7 was implemented. Observing proper hygiene and
following standard health guidelines were strongly advocated by men from the
medical field. Of course, one had to help himself/herself boost his/her immune
system with vitamins and nutritious foods and hydrate with eight glasses of water a
Now, quarantine statuses in some parts of the country have lowered down but
the battle is not over yet. Number of 8 cases continue to rise though there were
weeks when everyone thought the country was finally free from the dreading virus
spread. Furthermore, the government officials never ceased in reminding everybody
to follow strictly the minimum standard 9_ This is everyone's little contribution
10 who are risking their lives to save others,
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