how would you easily separate a mixture of thumbtacks and sand​

Sagot :


use a strainer to strain the sand, the thumbstacks will be left out.


the fastest way to separate this  mixture of gravel and sand take a minute  discuss that with your classmates be  sure you can explain your answer

now whenever we're separating mixtures  it's important that we understand the  physical properties of the materials in  the mixture in this case we have gravel  and sand  now both gravel and sand are insoluble  they won't dissolve in water they're  also more dense than water so they'll

both sink and remember only iron and  steel are magnetic so running a magnet  over this isn't going to help us at all  but there is a physical property that's  important and that is different between  these two and that size the gravel is a  lot larger than the fine grains of sand  so in order to separate them I can  separate them by size using something  like this strainer this fine wire mesh  will allow the sand to go through while  it catches all the rocks so you can see  here that I can separate this mixture  based on the size of the particles of  material in the mixture I'm sure this is  an answer that you and your classmates  came up with keep up the great work
