In your own understanding, explain in five sentences why Jesus Christ called by prophet
Isaiah as a suffering servant that he will bring justice for all mankind & willingly suffer to save us
from our sins? Type or write your answer on the template being given in the classwork.

Sagot :


1. Christ was obedient and valiant in the premortal life, thus gaining the privilege of coming into mortality and receiving a body of flesh and bones.

2. He was baptized in order that the door to the celestial kingdom would be opened.

3. He held the priesthood and received all the saving and exalting ordinances of the gospel.

4. Jesus served for about three years in a ministry of teaching the gospel, bearing witness of the truth, and teaching men what they must do to find joy and happiness in this life and eternal glory in the world to come.

5. He performed ordinances including the blessing of children, baptisms, administering to the sick, and ordinations to the priesthood.



Go Educations: Other Questions