(Types of reproduction)
1. Asexual
a. a bridge is form between two cells where contents
pass to the other cell to vcombine to form a zygote.
2. Fertilization
b. the parent and the resulting offspring have the same
3. Conjugation
genes which is genetically identical.
4. Regeneration c. happens when a spore case land in a favorable
5. Vegetative
condition, a new individual develop
Reproduction d. a new individual known as the offspring, is
6. Budding
produced from a single parent usually exhibited
7. Reproduction
by some plants
8. Fission
e. occurs when a sperm and egg unite to form a zygote
9. Spore Formation
containing genes from both parents
10. Sexual
f. give rise to offspring that are a combination of the
traits from its parents.
g. a new individual may form as an outgrowth of the
parent and separate to become a new individual.
h. the ability of an organism to produce new individuals.
i. the cell divides to form two identical daughter cells
j. happens when a part of the parent body breaks off
from the body and develop into a new individual

Sagot :


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