1. A journalist expressing his stand on current issues through a radio program.
A. Dyad
B. Small Group
c. Mass Communication
2. A student is thinking about how fulfilling it was to receive high scores and a commendation from the
teacher for an excellent project made.
A. Interpersonal B. Intrapersonal C. Small Group
3. A student gives feedback on a speech performance by a classmate.
A. Dyad
B. Small Group
c. Public
4. The class officers are discussing how to impose classroom rules.
A. Dyad
B. Public
c. Small Group
5. This style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang, or vernacular language are used.
A. Casual
B. Consultative
c. Intimate
6. This style is 'Frozen' in time and remains unchanged. It mostly occurs in ceremonies.
A. Casual
B. Frozen
c. Intimate
7. The style of speech is a standard one where professional or mutually acceptable language is a must.
A. Consultative
B. Frozen
c. Intimate
8. This speech act grants the speaker to convey his/her view that the proposal made is correct.
A. Assertive
B. Commissive
c. Directive
9. This speech act allows the speaker to express his feelings and attitudes.
A. Commissive
B. Declaration
C. Expressive
10. This speech act brings a change in the external situation.
A. Commissive
B. Declaration'
C. Expressive​