1. Direction: Read each statement very carefully. Choose you answer from the given choices.
1. You must refrain from shaking holding of your friends' hands for safety. What is the correct
conjunction to use to complete the sentence?
a. and b. but
c. or
d. yet
2. You must wear your mask when you want go outside. What is the modal used in the sentence?
a. mask b. must C. want
d. wear
3. COVID-19 a pandemic which affects many countries globally. What is the correct verb to
complete the sentence? a. are
C. was d. were
4. The disease spreads primarily from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth,
if you practice the social distancing and if you wear your facemask, you can have the lesser
chance of getting the virus. What conjunction can be used in the sentence? a. and b. but
d. yet
5. What is the modal used in the sentence, “Going outside the house without facemask can make you
more susceptible to virus". a. can b. make c. outside d. susceptible
6. The World Health Organization (WHO)
everyone to keep at least 1-meter
distance from other people and to refrain from touching surfaces with bare hands since the COVID-19
arose. What verb in perfect progressive aspect must be used to complete the sentence? a. had been
c. have been reminding
b. has been reminding
d. have been reminded
7. John
be going to learn his lesson at home instead of going to school to protect him from
acquiring the COVID-19. What is the correct modal to be used in sentence?
a. shall
c. might d. would
b. may
8. In the sentence, "Rica
have to observe one-meter social distancing when going to but food
in the market." What is the correct modal to complete the sentence?
a. Can b. May
c. must d. will
9. Michael and Jane have cleaned their hands by washing it properly with soap and running water for
20 seconds before they eat their food. What is the tense of the underlined verb?
a. Past perfect tense c. Present progressive tense
b. Present perfect tense
d. Future perfect tense
10. Washing your hands with soap and water using alcohol-based hand rub kill viruses that
may be on your hands. What is the correct conjunction in the sentence?
a, and b. but
c. yet
d. or
(please help me)