A Write secured, relaxed, afraid, curious or confused, before each statement speech 1. The next moming I was enthusiastic to rush to the place of our apporter 2. "Dear Friends, I began," I may misheard our meeting place or did you come and I was not around. 3. You didn't come to see us for quite a long time already. It's good I See yo. tonight." 4. “My son has a problem in his research diass in college and feared heal his defense. 5. "I pray that God will solve your problem." B. Read each set of expressions and decide what mood or feeling is reflected or described 6. It was the time of harvest. Hundreds of rice stal lined Hamaguchisheids thao been a fine harvest, and tonight down in the village everyone was having a good time A. anxiety B. boredom C contentment 7. Hamaguchi arise to his feet and looked out at the sea. The sea was very dark and strange to see, it seemed to be running away from the land. A. curiosity B. anxiety C. excitement 8. The bell ringer of the temple in the hill saw the flames and set the big bell boom The people down the beach turned and began to climb the hill, If Hamaguchi's rice fields were on fire, nothing would keep from helping them. A. anger B. helplessness C curiosity 9. When the sea went back, no house was left below the hillside or along the sho The whole village had been swept away. The village people stood silent and their tears fell. A. B. cheerfulness C. despair grief 10. Then the people woke, as if from a dream, and understood. Hamaguchi had