What are the important characteristic of the music of Cordillera,Palawan,Mindoro, and the Visayas?​

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Music of the Cordillera, Palawan, Mindoro and the VisayasOur country is blessed with a rich musical culture. Different ethnicgroupshavebeenusingmusicinperformingritualsanddifferentcelebrations even before the Spaniards came.Epic songs, songs aboutlife and death, lullabies, courtship, marriage, rituals, and songs for theireveryday work like farming, fishing, hunting, or simple chores at home areusually accompanied by instrument ensembles.These songs are mostlysung from memory of the older tribes and are handed down to the nextgeneration.We will be learning the music of the different indigenous communitiesfromtheCordillera,Palawan,MindoroandtheVisayas.Youwillunderstandhowtheseethnicgroupsuseindigenousthatarecharacterized by rich ancestry and history, unique dialect, and rituals.That’swhywewillbesingingandplayingindigenoussongsandinstruments.

The“hudhud”one of the surviving oral epic ancient traditions of theIfugao’s.It is made up of more than 200 stories with some 40 episodes each. A completenarration could take three to four days to tell. It is chanted during important occasionssuch as the rice harvest and, the ritual cleansing of the bones of the dead.The hudhud is a retelling of the deeds of the mythical heroes who representthe best of the Ifugao character. At the heart of the stories are legendary battlesfought for love, honor . Heroes endowed with extraordinary, sometimes magical skillsgo into battle to vanquish t heir enemies. The characters fight not only to demonstratetheir powers but also to protect their land and their harvest.Their rice land play animportant role the Ifugaos.The Ifugao believe the hudhud has been chanted since time immemorial.Studies show that t could have existed long before the constructed of the rice terraces.It has survived despite the changes to Filipino culture brought about by westerncolonization and Christianization. In 2001 the UNESCO proclaimed the Hudhud as oneof the masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity. An internationalprogram that identifies, safeguards and, revitalizes cultural traditions under threat oflaws.a


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