_____6. What specialized structure is common to rose and bougainvillea?​

A. Both have stingi.ng hairs
B. Both have sting.y leaves
C. Both have thor.ny stems
D. Both have fibrous fruit

_____7. Which of the following plants has hairs on its stem?

A. San Francisco
B. Santol
C. Mayana
D. Lipang a.so

_____8. Which of the following plants live in the water for survival?

A. Lotus
B. Sampaguita
C. Santol
D. Durian

_____9. It has stingy hairs on their stems that can cause irritation when touch.

A. Oregano
B. Gumamaela
C. Santan
D. Avocado

_____10. Is it good touch Lipang a.so with our bare hands?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe