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Taiwan is working on a way to reopen borders for limited international travel through a system that would require confirmation that travelers had received a vaccine, tested negative for Covid-19 prior to their journey among other conditions, Health Minister Chen Shih-chung said in an interview.
Chen’s government has gained worldwide acclaim for its response to the pandemic. Taiwan has managed to keep its Covid-19 caseload down to just 842 across a population of nearly 24 million. Halting flights from China early on and the implementation of strict quarantine rules combined with careful contact tracing helped keep the virus from spreading. Taiwan further ensures adequate supplies of protective equipment. As cases of Covid-19 spread to other locations, Taiwan closed to nearly all inbound foreign visitors by March.
Government officials are now devising a system to evaluate Taiwanese citizens as well as foreigners who want to visit the island without the normally required 14-day quarantine period, Chen said. They hope to reach a “regional consensus” that would involve evaluating travelers based on the overall conditions of the pandemic where they now live plus the results of individual screenings. Health checks would likely require proof of an approved Covid-19 vaccination and negative test results for the virus itself. Quarantines could be shortened or eliminated based on results.
“In the process of figuring out how to issue verifications for whether people have been vaccinated, we will consider how we can reach a consensus with other countries so that, in the region, we have mutual recognition,” Chen says. “Then, we would be able to open up again, up to a point.”
Verification at home is a policy priority for the first half of 2021, he says.
Although Taiwan’s $605 billion economy relies mainly on manufacturing, its tourism sector makes up about $15 billion of that total every year. Taiwanese who normally reside offshore for work, study or other reasons must go into quarantine every time they return.
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