Activity 2:
DIRECTIONS: Identify the animals based on the given situations. Write your 1-5 answers on th
first column of the table and the 6-10 answers on the second column
1. man's best friend that feeds its baby with milk from it's mammary glands
2. has dry scale as body covering that crawls on the house ceiling
3. flies, lay eggs and has feather
4. lives in the water and has scales, fins and tail that enable it to swim
5. lives in water and on land that has soft body and is noisy during rainy days
6. small creature with 8 thin legs that catches insects in a web
7. flying insect with colorful wings that makes nectar on flowers
8. a small slow moving animal that has a soft wet body covered with a round shell
9. flat star shape creature with 5 arms that lives on the sea
10. a sea creature with 5 pairs of legs and a round flat body covered with a shell