as a result, their impacts can be regional or even gle Activity 1: Jumbled Words Directions: Given the definition of the jumbled words, write the correct term on the blank provided 1. PHYNOTO - is a low-pressure area, or a wide and violent tropical cyclone. It rotates in the counterclockwise direction, with warm air rising above Western Pacific Ocean warm water. Many people on the other side of the planet name it storm or wily-wily. 2. LFODO - is characterized as superfluous water that swamps normally dry land and properties. 3. ANNIAL represents periods of under-average sea surface temperatures across the Equatorial Pacific in the east-central. 4. MRSTO GRSUE is an abnormal rise in sea level during tropical cyclones or "bagyo". 5. MROTSREDNUHT - is local storm created by cumulonimbus clouds and are often accompanied by lightning and thunder, usually with strong wind gusts, heavy rain and occasionally hail and/or tornado. 6. NNOELI - refers to the large-scale ocean-atmosphere climate interaction linked to a regular warming of sea surface temperatures around the Equatorial Pacific region and east-center.