Choose the letter that of the correct answer. Write your answer on a piece of paper.
1. The blood comes back to the heart from the body through two big veins called
A. Aortas
C. Pulmonary veins
B. Rght atria
D. Vena cavas
2. About how big is the human heart?
A. The size of your fist
B. The size of your foot
C. The size of your ear
D. The size of your nose
3. Why is the white blood cell an important part of the body's immune system?
A. They transport oxygen to the heart.
B. They remove waste from the system.
C. They allow any bacteria to enter the body.
D. They defend against bacteria, viruses, and other infectious diseases
4. When you get a cut on your finger, what part of the blood helps clot the blood?
A. Arteries
C. Red blood cells
B. Platelets
D. White blood cells
5. Which iof the following is NOT the function of the circulatory system?
A. Removing waste from tissues
B. Another delivering carbon dioxide to cells for cellular
C. Another delivering carbon dioxide to cells for cellular respiration
D. Delivering carbon dioxide to cells for cellular respiration
7. How do arteries differ from veins?
A. Veins are thicker than Arteries.
B. Arteries are thinner due to a higher and increasing blood pressure.
C. Arteries are thicker due to a higher and more fluctuating blood pressure.
D. None of the choices are correct
8. The job of the Nervous System is:
A. to receive stimulus as sensory input.
B. intergration of stimulus with reaction.
C. to trigger action as a motor response or motor output
D. All of the above.
9. Which of the following is the major organ of the nervous system
A. Brain
C. Nerve
B. Ganglia
D. Spinal Cord
10. Sam had a bad fall. He hurt his knee and was bleeding. Soon his wound stopped bleeding, leaving
a lump on the wound. What kind of cell in the blood helped to stop the bleeding?
A. Plasma
C. Red cells
B. Platelets
D. White Blood Cells​