6.3 × 10.25 = N
18.4 × 35.15 = N
16.76 × 7.7 = N
22.12 × 4.8 = N
11.11 × 19.6 = N

Arnel Plays Valleball With His Friends For 1.9 Hours Every Practice Day Estimate How Many Hours Does He Play In 5 Day

During Recess Romeo Bought 3 Pakages Of Mamon At 6.50 Each Estimate How Much Did He Pay For All The Pakages

Ms. Sison Bought 5 Bags Of Refined Suger Each Wheighing 2.5 Kilograms
Estimate What Is The Total Wheight Of 5 Bags Of Sugar

Father Needs 25.6 Of Barbed Wire To Fence Each His Chicken Coops
If He Has 10 Coops Estimate How Many Meters
Of Barbed Wire Does He Need

Mrs. Moran Bought A Whole Dress Chicken Wheighing 2.2 Kilograms.
If A Kilogram Of Chicken Cost P 72.50 Estimate How
Much Did She Pay For The Chicken