WILLOWANDERSONGO WILLOWANDERSONGO Math Answered 6.3 × 10.25 = N18.4 × 35.15 = N16.76 × 7.7 = N22.12 × 4.8 = N11.11 × 19.6 = NArnel Plays Valleball With His Friends For 1.9 Hours Every Practice Day Estimate How Many Hours Does He Play In 5 DayDuring Recess Romeo Bought 3 Pakages Of Mamon At 6.50 Each Estimate How Much Did He Pay For All The PakagesMs. Sison Bought 5 Bags Of Refined Suger Each Wheighing 2.5 Kilograms Estimate What Is The Total Wheight Of 5 Bags Of SugarFather Needs 25.6 Of Barbed Wire To Fence Each His Chicken CoopsIf He Has 10 Coops Estimate How Many MetersOf Barbed Wire Does He NeedMrs. Moran Bought A Whole Dress Chicken Wheighing 2.2 Kilograms.If A Kilogram Of Chicken Cost P 72.50 Estimate How Much Did She Pay For The Chicken