ELAHANG05GO ELAHANG05GO Science Answered 1. Ly_o_ome_ -spherical sacs that contain powerful digestive enzymes. 2. Pl_ _t_d_ -the energy converters.3. Mito_ _ondr_ _ -the power house of the cell4. _ib_s_me -involve in the production of protein, a process called protein synthesis.5. _ac_ _ les – for the storage of food, enzymes, and other materials needed by cell.6. V_ _ icl_ _ - carry substances in and out of the cell like food particles.7. _i_rot_b_les – provide support and movement to the cell?8. _y_o_la_m – found inside the cell membrane surrounding the nucleus. 9. N_c_e_s – controls all the activities of the cell. 10. _ _l_i c_m_l_x- serves as the packaging factories of the cell.