Independent Activity 2
Directions: Arrange the adjectives inside the parentheses in proper order
1. The (star, five, first) players of the team sat down to rest.
2. My mother bought (kilo, a, of yellow, juicy) mangoes.
3. My dog gave birth to (adorable, black, three) puppies.
4. I eat (Fuji, one, red, delicious) apple every night before I go to bed.
5. Our teacher told us to bring (multi-colored, two, dozen) popsicle sticks.
6. About (ten, little, African, seven-year-old, dark-skinned) children were playing at
the riverbank.
7. Then, a (six-foot tall, old, white) man appeared and frightened the children,
8. A (medium-sized, round, beautiful, smooth, red) stone was hurled into the waters.
9. A (bulky, old, Japanese, worn-out) bicycle is kept in my father's garage.
10. The (large, African, white) headdress is the centerpiece of the exhibit in the