one reason giraffes have long necks is do that they can reach food high in the tree top canopy. explain how giraffes got their long necks according to darwin and then how would lamarck explain their long necks?​

Sagot :


In the case of a giraffe, Lamarck believed that giraffes once had short necks that got progressively longer as members of each subsequent generation stretched their necks as long as they could. In doing so, Lamarck believed that each generation would grow slightly longer necks and pass that trait onto their offspring.


En el caso de una jirafa, Lamarck creía que las jirafas alguna vez tuvieron cuellos cortos que se alargaron progresivamente a medida que los miembros de cada generación siguiente estiraban el cuello tanto como podían. Al hacerlo, Lamarck creía que cada generación desarrollaría cuellos un poco más largos y transmitiría ese rasgo a su descendencia.