among EM waves. 5. Which electromagnetic wave carries more energy than the others? A microwaves B. radio waves C. UV radiation 6. Gamma rays have the highest A. amplitude B. frequency c. speed D. wavelength 7. How are we able to see the color white? A. All colors are absorbed B. All colors are reflected C. All colors except red are reflected D. All colors except red are absorbed 8. A blue dish appears blue because it A. absorbs blue light C. reflects white light B. absorbs white light D. reflects blue light 9. Is Visible Light Dangerous? A. No, Visible light cannot harm you B. No, this is because visible light isn't real. C. Yes, visible light is highly radioactive and should be handled carefully light when in contact with human skin can cause aerial skin cancer D. Yes, visible light at high concentrations can cause burns blindnes indirect DNA damage but at low levels is harmless. #lon wavelength (colon