essay for small but not simple

Some of us might think the bigger you are, the harder your job is and the smaller you are, the easier your job in this world is. But we should ought to rethink that our jobs in this world doesn't depend on what size are we. For example, some people might think of microorganisms as tiny worms inside our body that just "walks around". But if we look at biology, these "tiny worms" has a huge part on our daily lives. There are good bacterias carrying nutrients on our body and cells making us healthy. Their jobs are complex and challenging, not and never easy and simple.
Same applies on other organisms. The lizards on our house that wek think is useless eats mosquitoes that carries dengue and other diseases and the bees that we think just sting us makes honey that is rich in nutrients. They might be smaller than us, but we shall remember that their jobs in this world will never be simple and basic.