Learning Task 1: Name the different skills shown in each picture and write also the games or sports that make use of the skills shown. Write your answe inside the box. Do this on your notebook.

Sport refers to any competitive physical activity or game that aims to use, maintain, or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment and, in some cases, entertainment to participants and, in some cases, spectators.
1. Basketball-dribbling
Dribbling is a fundamental skill in basketball in which a player uses one hand to continuously bounce the ball on the court. Dribbling allows you to keep control of the ball, advance it toward the basket, and create space between yourself and your defender.
2. Baseball-catching
Catching correctly not only keeps you safe, but it also makes it easier to prepare to throw the ball. The two fundamental defensive Baseball skills are catching and throwing. In a game, your ability to catch and throw quickly can assist you in catching a base runner attempting to advance to the next base.
3. Bowling-Rolling
With one hand, roll the ball. Make use of both your left and right hands. Roll the ball and apply spin to it so that it curves to the left and right. Roll the ball through human straddle targets: Begin with moderate stances and gradually increase as bowlers gain experience.
4. Cricket -striking
5. Soccer-hit ting
The most enjoyable aspect of the game is hit ting. It's difficult to hi t a round ball with a round bat into a specific area, especially when you only have a fraction of a second to react. A good hit ter must have good hand-eye coordination, a quick reaction time, good technique, and confidence.
6. Tennis-striking
Know other sports through this link: https://brainly.ph/question/11349227