Questionnaire for Parent

This questionnaire is designed by the Education Bureau. The purpose of this questionnaire is to
collect your views on the school work. Your views are important in enhancing the quality of
education of the school.
This questionnaire is conducted on an anonymous basis.
Please select one of the following choices which best reflects your views on the situations
described in the sentence:
(5) Strongly agree
(4) Agree
(3) Neutral, i.e. neither agree nor disagree
(2) Disagree
(1) Strongly disagree
If you do not know or do not understand the situations described in the sentence, or the
situations described in the sentence are not applicable to you, please select “Don’t know/N.A.”.
There are a total of 23 questions. Please answer all questions.
Please use either a pencil or a black ball pen to blacken your choice. Supply one choi