is stress an integral part of one's life​

Sagot :




The word ‘stress’ brings on goose pimples in many of us. There are courses and symposia on stress management measures all over the country and even abroad. Stress, however, is the single most important growth related stimulus for all living organisms on this planet. If there is no stress, a zero stress state, there is no growth and, consequently, there would be death soon. Stress is, therefore, an integral part of life itself and the latter, in turn, is ceaseless change until death. Therefore we should not and, cannot, try to get rid of stress. What brings on disease and disability, however, is our abnormal response to stress, that many of us condition ourselves to acquire. This is better called ‘distress’ for the sake of clarity and proper understanding. Whereas stress is good and welcome, distress is the killer that needs to be managed well, lest it should lead to disease and disability.

Stress is, therefore, an integral part of life itself and the latter, in turn, is ceaseless change until death. Therefore we should not and, cannot, try to get rid of stress. What brings on disease and disability, however, is our abnormal response to stress, that many of us condition ourselves to acquire.

So its a yes