1. How can the disciplines of Social Science and Applied Social Science be
useful in your development as a student?​

Sagot :

Social Science is the study of the activities of the physical and social environment. Basically, it is the study of human relations or the scientific study of human society. It deals with the humans-their relationships, behavior, development and resources they use and many kinds of organizations they need to carry in their daily life like the workplace, school, family, government, etc. It is important because its study helps us to gain knowledge of the society we live in. Generally, Social Science focus on the relationships among individuals in society. It is the mixture of many subjects like History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Social Psychology and many more.

The main definition of social science is – “The social sciences subjects are those subjects which describe and examine the humans”. Social science is the society related study — the primary reason for Social studies to help students to develop the ability to make the right decisions. It increases the social considerate of students.

Why Study Social Science?

Social Science aware the students about our surroundings and the incidents happened in the past. It has significance to develop an international viewpoint. It is also important for the moral progress of society. It helps to form the man social character. Study of Social Science makes us an efficient citizen of a democracy, and it also helps us to solve the practical problems in our daily life. It is essential for communities and organizations. It also helps the students to know how different societies are managed, structured and governed.

Subjects in Social Science:

As we know, social science includes many subjects each subject give us different knowledge like history provide the knowledge of the ancient period, from this subject we come to know that what happened in the past. Another subject is Geography from this subject we know about our natural environment or natural vegetations like plants, animals, etc. We also learn about the evolution of animals, water bodies, flora, fauna, the impact of the environment in the present and future life, preservation and conservation importance in our life. Political Science is the subject from which we know about politics, democracy and the fundamental proficiencies poverty rate in the world, citizenships, moral and virtues, rights and duties etc. Economics is the subject from which we learn how to manages the finances, about effective economic policies etc. From social science, students know about the different culture and religion in the world and how to value and respect our culture.

Aims of Teaching Social Science in Schools:

It gives knowledge about civilization and culture.

It provides knowledge of social development.

It develops social behavior.

It  develops civil qualities.

It develops the power of thinking and reasoning.

It develops the feeling of universal brotherhood.

It develops modernization.

It develops suitable proficiency and good habits.

It develops the moral and social values.

It develops the all-round personality.

Objectives of social science:

Social science help students to know about the duties towards human society and make us understand how a man can fulfil their needs. Because of Social science students understand the fundamental rights in our constitution, freedom fighters who fought for the nation. It also provides knowledge of the social environment and nature. It also develops the human qualities, desirable attitudes in students, and it also expands the critical thinking and imagination of students. Students learn many different things from social science like cultural and social beliefs, religions, caste, nationalities, languages, festivals, clothing, food etc. From these things, students come to know that in the society they live is multicultured, diverse and interrelated between the countries, culture and religion.

Social Science helps the students to know the importance of democracy, freedom and rights and how to live in society. It makes the student responsible, active and reflective towards the society. And also makes the students well informed about the culture, religion and society; in short, it makes the student well-informed citizen.