Summative Assessment 1 - Module 1a and 1b
1. Which of the following parts allow different activities of the cell to happen?
A. Vesicle
B. Vacuole
C. Lysosome
D. Cytoplasm

2. If the chioroplasts of a plant cell are damaged, which will it be unable to do?
A. Protect the cell
C. Excrete waste inaterials
B. Make food for the cell
D. Give instruction for cell reproduce

3. Adding iodine solution to the onion cell preparation makes the cell
A. Big
B. Small
C. Less visible
D. More visible

4. Which of the fo lowing plant cell parts is not found in onion cells?
A. Vacuole
B. Cell wall
C. Chloroplast
D. Mitochondrion

5. When two parts of the light inicroscope magnify the image of an object?
A. Eyepiece and mirror
C. Eyepiece and objectives
B. Objectives and mirror
D. Objectives and diaphragm

6. A plant cell is viewed using a 10x eyepiece and a 43x HPO. How much will the cell be magnified?
A. 1Ox or 10 times
C. 143x or 143 times
B. 43x or 43 times
D. 430x or 430 times

7. Which should be used to observe bacteria?
A. 3x objective and 10x eyepiece
B. 60x objective and a 15x eyepiece
C. 60x objective with immersion oil and 10x eyepiece
D. 97x objective with immersion oil and 5x objective.​