Directions: Below is a conversation between the students and their teacher. Supply the missing word in the dialog by choosing from the word pool.
both difference experiences more than personality reminds something similar
Mrs. Tin: Now that you have already finished reading the story, how is it _________ to your life? Ni-ki: Ma’am in my case, I have the same situation with the main character. We both grew up in the province.
Sunny: As for me, we have the same_________. The character is outgoing and cheerful, so am I. Mrs. Tin: I see, how about the differences?
Jake: I think the _________ between him and me is that he grew up never leaving his hometown while I, on the other hand, moved to Australia with my parents.
Hoonie: Ma’am, the only difference between us is I like winter __________ summer.
Mrs. Tin: Does the story remind you of __________ that happened in your life?
Johnny: Yes ma’am. It __________ me of the time I used to help my parents in selling vegetables. Ethan: The main character reminds me of my brother since they are _________hardworking and diligent.
Jay: Ma’am, it reminds me of my father’s story. They both succeeded because of their hard work. Mrs. Tin: Thank you for your answers, class. The reason why I asked you these questions is for you to be able to connect the story to your life and personal________.