1. The message in the picture is that each and every one of us belongs to different sectors of the society. There are people who are the most powerful where in they are at the top and there are people that are least powerful and have many social issues that they are ranked at the bottom of the pyramid. The pyramid also means that groups of people are ranked amongst different stages and they can move up if they work harder and add up to their monthly income.
2. If I were to recreate this I would put myself and the other members of the bottom tier at the top because we are the ones that have much more sacrifices and are in need of help. The society right now doesn't need to be divided amongst tiers because we are equally made by God and in the times of crisis we need to help each other out.
3. I believe I belong to the bottom class because my family right now is mostly experiencing hardships as the pandemic goes by and some of the businesses are still enclosed that is why some of us are at the poor state and are willing to receive any help given by the higher state.