FILL-IN THE BLANKS. Direction: Given the pool of choices below, pick out the best
answer to complete the missing word/s in the paragraph. Write your answer on the blank
candid shot
great photos
poised shot
digital cameras
sensor or light sensitive sunset
facing the light
interesting location material
first hour
fashion items
Digital photography is a photography that uses 1.
to capture 2.
A digital camera or any device with a built-in camera like your
phone, android device or tablet is used with an array of electronic photo detectors to
capture the image focused by the lens. The image captured is digitized and stored as a file
ready for digital processing, viewing or printing. 3.
is the art of creating
images by recording light or electronically by means of an 4.
photographic film. For capturing a good quality photographic image, an 5.
can sometimes make the difference between a good and 6.
Check that
the available background is relatively 7.
and not too ruckus so that
the focus will be on your chosen subject. Natural light in the outdoors or near a window is