Directions: Which of these statements best describe the music of Classical Period? Mark X͟ if the items d͟o͟e͟s͟ n͟o͟t͟ describe the music of Classical Period and Y͟E͟S͟ if it is a style during the Classical Period.
_____1. Music is largely homophonic. _____2. Slower more controlled dynamics. _____3. Monophonic, plain and repetitive. _____4. The use of antecedent/consequent melody. _____5. Extensive use of counterpoint. _____6. Melodies were written in one single line. _____7. Constant changing in key and melodies. _____8. Ornamented and primarily polyphonic. _____9. Basso continuo is used in composing music. _____10. Harpsichord is the most instrumental music.