B. Answer the following questions. Write answers on your paper. 1. The F Major scale is a key signature that has one on the third line of the staff. a. sharp b. point c. flat d. melody 2. The home tone do is located in the of the staff. a. first space c. third space b. second space d. fourth space 3. A is composed of a succession of notes based on a specific sound pattern. a. scale b. melody c. sharp d. flat interval pattern. 4. The major scale follows the a. WS-WS-HS-WS-WS-WS-HS c. WS-HS-HS-WS-WS-WS-HS b. WS-WS-HS-WS-HS-WS-HS d. HS-HS-WS-WS-WS-WS-HS 5. is a succession of notes and pitches expressing an idea of thought. a. Scale b. Melody c. Interval d. Key