1. Who is Beneatha? A. Mama C. Walter's sister B. Travis's sister D. Ruth's daughter 2. What is the setting of the story? A. Omaha NE C. Sioux City lowa B. Minneapolis MN D. South Side Chicago 3. What does "a raisin in the sun" symbolize in the play? The struggles of the characters The house where the family live in C. The dreams of the family members D. The conflict in the characters' decisions 4. Why was Mama getting the check for 10,000? A. She had won the lottery. B. She had won a contest. C. It was life insurance money. D. It was money she found. 5. What happened to Ruth at the end of scene 1? A. She fainted. C. She fell asleep. B. She burst into tears. D. Walter hit her. 6. What is Beneatha's dream? A. She wants to be a nurse. B. She wants to be a doctor. C. She wants to be a teacher. D. She wants to own her own business. 7. Who is Travis ? A. Mama's son C. Walter's brother B. Beneatha's uncle D. Walter and Ruth's son 8. What did Ruth find out at the doctor's office? A. She was pregnant. B. Beneatha was pregnant. C. She was suffering from depression. D. She was exhausted and needed rest. 9. What reason does Walter want money? What dream does he have? A. Get a new house B. Have another child C. Open a liquor store D. Open a dry-cleaning shop 10. The furniture in the Younger apartment is described as A. Colorful and sturdy B. Worn and weary C. Shiny and patterned D. New and comfortable