Do you think that change is needed in your student council? In what aspect, and towards what direction?

Sagot :


Our student government is given an exceptional amount of power at our school. The committee is made up of a collection of both student representatives and teachers, and in theory they have the ability to change any rule or institute any program in the school.

In practice, few proposals brought to the committee are well thought out or useful (i.e. changing Columbus Day to Heritage Day), leading to weeks of debate on every little change and very little cooperation or consensus.

What our student government needs is a coordinated group that will work together on writing thorough, well thought out proposals dealing with the issues that students really care about (improving boarders quality of life, making school work more manageable, using technology better, …). This group will craft these proposals outside committee by meeting with the students they represent, and when they get to committee they will serve as a voting bloc to get them passed.

And that’s exactly what we’re doing next year, depending on how it goes I’ll update this answer in a few months to let you all know what happened.