It is important to understand the problem carefully. Read the following statements

below. Underline the given information and circle what is asked.

1) There are 2100 cans of sardines and 3000 kg of rice in a relief operation. How many

families can receive both 4 cans of sardines and 5 kg of rice?

2) In a computer shop, April paid ₱250 for using a computer. If rates in the computer

shop is ₱25.00 per hour for the first 3 hours and ₱12.50 for the next succeeding hour,

how many hours did April use the computer?

3) Happy, Sneezy and Grumpy had a total weight of 150 kg. What is their average


4) A store owner has 7.11 lbs. of candy. She puts the candy equally into jars A, B, C and

D. If there is 1.9 lbs left, how many lbs are in each jar?

5) 5 MBPS of data was divided among 3 tablets and 6 cellphones. How much data was

consumed by each unit?

lagay nyo nlang po ito ang anderline tapos pakilagay po pag circle ituro nyo po ung word ​