what can you say about just by going to the church does not make you a Christian​

Sagot :


The question is, "Just going to church doesn't mean that you're a Christian. Then, what makes us a Christian?"

Being a Christian means, you have Christ, the Holy Ghost, God Almighty, the Creator, living within you because you have repented of your Sin and of your sins (the results that happen because we are Sinners) and received the gift of God, eternal life through the blood payment by Jesus of Nazareth, the only naturally born son of God.


When someone truly becomes a Christian, they now receive the Holy Ghost, see Ezekiel 36:22-38.

That is the Christ part that brings the Anointing.

We cannot receive the Holy Ghost, the Anointing, if we are not born again. We are all born carnal, creatures of Sin, and so we cannot receive God on our own. God has to reveal Himself and when He does, through either reading the Bible or by hearing the preacher call us to Salvation, we then repent to receive Jesus. Then we become born again as, spiritually speaking we are a brand new creature. Not just an updated "Person 2.0", but, a completely different person. Our names are not written in the "Lamb's Book of Life".

God will take our old spirit (us) and give us a new spirit (us, but, now with new qualities). He also then gives us Himself, the Holy Spirit.

When that happens and we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive the Christ:

1. Christ Jesus, who is the perfect Messiah, who paid for our sins through His own blood

2. the Holy Ghost, who brings the Anointing, also called, The Christening, which is what they do to new ships and yachts by smashing a bottle of wine against its bow, to bless that vessel.

#2 goes back to when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane. "Gethsemane" means "the place of a wine press (or) olive press". In that Garden, where He was about to be arrested to be scourged and crucified, He prayed so hard that blood came out of his skin's pores. This has been shown to be possible when people are under great duress, they sweat blood. In a very real way, the pressure Jesus was facing, to have the weight of the entire world's sin pressed down on Him, pressed the blood in His body out of his pores. He literally was being pressed, both in the sense of grapes being crushed to make wine, and, of olives being crushed to make anointing oil; anointing oil is used to heal the sick.

That blood He sweated was used, along with the blood that poured out on the Cross at His crucifixion, to pay for our Sin and for our sins. To become a Christian, one must obey what Jesus and the Apostles said must be done:

1. Believe with the heart that Jesus died for our sins and that God resurrected Him from the dead (Jesus being God, self-resurrected)

2. Confess with your mouth your belief

3. Receive Jesus's blood by speaking it

4. Get fully baptized (who is stopping you from doing that? It's pretty simple)

When you have received the Christ and been born again, you will now be a Christian.



I am not a Christian because I attend church on Sunday. Neither are you. And neither is John Piper. This was a discovery Piper made in the opening pages of a book by C. S. Lewis. In God’s providence, a thin little blue book by the title of “The Weight of Glory” found its way into Piper’s life at age 23 (recently photographed, above). Here’s how he recounted the story in a 2015 sermon:

The second wave that broke over me in my 23rd year was the discovery that my desires were not too strong, but too weak. And the remedy for my early perplexity did not lie in getting rid of my desires, but on glutting them on God. That was revolutionary to me.

Your problem, longing, aching, yearning, wanting, John Piper, is that you don’t yet want like you ought to want. I will come to you and I will put a fire under the fire of want. I will show you what want is. And then he puts his glory in front of you and fills you with his Holy Spirit and you discover what want is.