B. Essay (10pts)
1. What have you learned in this pandemic? Answer this in
paragraph form.​

Sagot :


all what I learn this pandemic is be safe bonding with family be happy and be alert in all things


sam's maka tulng


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What I Learned About Myself During This Pandemic

The world has changed, and seeing it with new eyes, I have, too, Jeffrey Nesteruk writes.

By Jeffrey Nesteruk

August 28, 2020


When my college, like so many others, abruptly switched to online classes last spring, I scrambled but did my best to adjust. Although I had a steep learning curve, I settled into working from home, thinking I could endure that for a month or two. But now this temporary hiatus has a more lengthy and indefinite duration, with a future that’s hard to discern.

As the pandemic continues into the fall, I'm re-entering a world that’s different from the one I left. It’s one in which social expectations are rising all around, creating a new normal that will of necessity be asking more of me. A still threatening pandemic, racial injustice and civic unrest, an economy in recession. All this amid reports about our diminishing trust in our institutions and each other. I'm living in a more uncertain, fragile and interdependent world.

But more than the world has changed. Seeing it with new eyes, I have, too.

At first, I must confess, much of what I learned about myself was frivolous. I know I can wear the same shirt two days in a row and am not above the occasional day spent in my pajamas.