How to know if someone is stalking you

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By default, you cannot see who viewed your Instagram profile. Using Follower Insight for Instagram app, you can now keep track of all followers (or Instagram stalkers) who are following you on Instagram. The app helps you to keep a track on all those people who follow, un-follow or blocked you on Instagram.


Stalking Sign #1: Lurking Around Your Workplace or Neighborhood

Are you constantly bumping into the same guy after work or at the grocery store?

Does he park next to you in the garage or near you on the street? Running into him every night at the gym does not make him a stalker. But seeing him later at the mall or lurking in your neighborhood when you get home may be cause for concern.

Occasional meetings could be coincidences if you live or work in the same area. But repeated meetings could signal stalking.

Stalking Sign #2: Watching You

A “watcher” follows you from a distance. He or she gathers personal information about you, your friends and family.

They may photograph you, ask your friends about you or collect information from other sources such as public records or online research firms. Some go so far as to hire a private detective to follow you in an attempt to learn every detail of your private life.

If you feel you’re being watched, or you often recognize the same person in a crowd, you may be under the surveillance of a stalker.

Stalking Sign #3: Repeated Phone Calls

Numerous phone calls from someone you aren’t seeing socially on a regular basis can spell danger.

How much is too much? Multiple calls every week from someone you know only casually is likely reason to worry, though calling can take the form of hang-ups or long silences on your voicemail too.

If you know who the person is, tell him or her firmly to stop. If the calls persist, keep a log of the times he or she calls and inform the police.

Stalking Sign #4: Giving Inappropriate Gifts

Some stalkers start out by sending unwanted flowers or gifts.

When their affections are not returned, they may escalate the situation by sending more gifts, including those that are inappropriate or even pornographic.

Stalking Sign #5: “Rescuing” You

Anyone can experience a flat tire or breakdown on the highway, of course, but many stalkers enjoy playing the hero. So they’ll create situations that require you to be rescued – just when they happen to be passing by.

Stalking Sign #6: Manipulating You Into Interacting

Stalkers look for any way to interact with their victims. Some even try to manipulate the object of their stalking into contact by filing a frivolous lawsuit.
